Overview of DMO
To effectively and efficiently supply the products and services needed for the uninterrupted continuation of the public service.
To be an internationally leading central purchasing body that supports sustainable public procurement policies needed in the development of the country.
Basic Virtues
- Reliability
- Focus on Stakeholder
- Transparency
- Professionalism
- Focus on Technology
- Agility
- Data Driven Management
- Sustainable Procurement
- Digital Transformation
- Career Planning
- Rewarding
- Innovation
Since there was no regulation on how to meet the stationery and other needs of public institutions in the period from the proclamation of the Republic to 1926, each public institution procured the materials it needed from the market within the framework its budgetary constraints. The first regulation in this regard was made with the establishment of the “Chief Stationery Office” within the Ministry of Finance in 1926. This organization, which later operated under the name of “Stationery Department” and “Directorate General of State Paper and Printing” (DGSPP) within the same ministry, was restructured taking into account its increasing functions.
The savings achieved by meeting the paper, cardboard, stationery, office machinery and similar material needs from a single source, collectively and at affordable prices, urged the Directorate General of State Paper and Printing to be a more independent institution and the “Directorate General of State Supply Office” was established with the “Law on the Establishment of the State Supply Office” dated 11.03.1954 and numbered 6400 as an economic state enterprise with a legal personality, autonomous in its activities and its responsibility limited to its capital, 100 million TL, affiliated to the Ministry of Finance, not subject to the provisions of the General Accounting Law, the Public Procurement Law and the audit of the Court of Accounts. Click here to access the “Law on the Establishment of the State Supply Office”.
Within the framework of Law No. 2929, which was put into effect in 1983 regarding state-owned enterprises (SEEs), with the abolition of the Law on the Establishment of DMO no. 6400 with the “Decree Law No. 121 on the Establishment of the State Supply Office”, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 28.10.1983, no. 18205 (Communiqué) and with the enactment of Decree Law No. 233, the legal framework of the SEEs was rearranged. The “State Supply Office Main Statute” prepared in accordance with the Decree Law No. 233 was published in the Official Gazette dated 28.10.1984, no. 18559 and entered into force. However, in 2007, a new Main Statute was prepared regarding DMO and entered into force upon being published in the Official Gazette dated 04.05.2007.
The Main Statute of the Directorate General of State Supply Office was later changed in 2019 and entered into force with the publication of the Presidential Decision no. 1899 in the Official Gazette dated 25.12.2019, no. 30989. Click here to access the Main Statute.
Corporate Structure
The Directorate General of State Supply Office (DMO), an affiliate organization of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, is a public economic enterprise with a legal entity, which is autonomous in its activities and whose liabilities are limited with its capital.
The headquarters of Directorate General of DMO is located in Ankara. It conducts its activities through its central and provincial organizations. The provincial organization is composed of 7 Regional Directorates (İstanbul, İzmir, Bursa, Eskişehir, Trabzon, Gaziantep and Elazığ) and 4 Contact Offices (Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Mersin and Van) throughout the country.
The buyers are composed of public organizations that are subject to public law or under public supervision, or that use public funds. DMO can also meet the needs of public benefit associations and their affiliates, tax-exempt foundations and their affiliates, foundation higher education institutions, public professional organizations and public banks. As per the Main Status of DMO, no sales are made to the private sector.
It is not mandatory for public organizations to buy from DMO. It is on a voluntary basis.
DMO has around;
Fields of Activity
DMO provides services for the supply and distribution of the following groups of goods and services included in its Main Statute.
- IT products (excluding software for corporate automation),
- Office machinery and equipment,
- Lighting devices and heating-cooling devices, excluding fixed facilities,
- Paper and stationery products,
- Clothing and accessories,
- Furniture and office furnishings,
- Cleaning products and cleaning tools and equipment,
- Vehicles, superstructured vehicles and construction machinery; their batteries and tires, fuel and consumables,
- Vehicle, superstructured vehicle and construction machinery rentals,
- Pharmaceuticals, medical devices and health products,
- Travel and transportation services,
- Printed products and printing services,
- Electricity and fuel products,
- Other flooring, fixtures, machinery and equipment that are commonly used by public institutions and organizations.
DMO serves with over 39 thousand kinds of products, of which nearly 34 thousands are catalogue and stock products comprised by the product groups above.
Procurement Fundamentals
Our purchases are made in accordance with our own legislation for amounts below the exception threshold (122.748.129,-TL for the year 2025) while in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Law no 4734 for amounts above the exception threshold.
DMO meets the supply needs of its buyers by 3 procurement methods (stock, catalogue and miscellaneous upon buyer demand) with its specialized personnel quickly and effectively from a single source.
The E-Sales Portal
Providing central procurement services on behalf of public organizations and being the first to ever practice e-trade in the public sector, the State Supply Office serves its buyers and suppliers online through the E-Sales Portal (https://www.dmo.gov.tr/Esatis).
With the E-Sales Portal, the material needs of our buyers can be met easily and quickly. Our buyers, who are members of the E-Sales System, can obtain the catalogue products through the e-Sales Portal, with a discount of up to 7%.
International Collaborations
The State Supply Office follows the best practices of public procurement in the world, collaborates and exchanges information with its peers and such international organizations as OECD/SIGMA.
In this context, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the central purchasing organization of the Korean Republic, Public Procurement Service (PPS), which is considered to be one of the best public procurement practitioners.
In addition, within the scope of the cooperation studies carried out between our Directorate General and OECD/SIGMA, a webinar titled “Central Purchasing Activities in the EU” was held on 07 April 2022 by OECD/SIGMA experts, with the participation of officials from relevant institutions.
Between 14-16 June 2022, our Directorate General participated in the workshop titled “Public Procurement in the European Union: Competition, Innovation and Dispute Resolutions”, held by OECD/SIGMA experts under the coordination of the Public Procurement Authority.
Between 12-13 September 2022, a workshop titled “Modern and Sustainable Framework Agreements - Challenges and Chosen Member States Experiences” was held in our Directorate General, where OECD/SIGMA experts made presentations and relevant representatives from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Ministry of Health and the Public Procurement Agency participated.